Thursday, 14 March 2013

Spinach, Mushroom & Cheese Omelette with Hollandaise Sauce

This is a classic veggie omelette and one of my favourite kind! It is made with fresh spinach, mushrooms, onions and green onions and Swiss cheese (brie cheese or mozzarella cheese would do)  folded in a pufffyyy omelette!! Then pour some thick hollandaise sauce on top and garnish it with diced red pepper or if you got tomatoes at home or and spring/green onions..that works too... I wont go into details on how to make this omelette...I am pretty sure most of you already know how to make an omelette...if not it/ youtube it...loll. This omelette looks so fresh, healthy & hearty and green...and believe me tastes just as goood!!! Try it!!

P.S. Hollandaise sauce is the same sauce goes on top of egg benedict...and i think this sauce gives that kick to these egg is quiet simple to make...I will post it below..i am extracting the recipe from foodnetwork website...because it got all the right measurements....and I usually do not cook using measurements...I'd rather estimate...:)..the recipe below is similar to how I make it.

Classic Hollandaise Sauce:

Preparation time: 10 minutes 
Cooking time: 3 minutes 
Yield: 4
3/4 cup unsalted butter
3 egg, yolks
1 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 pinch pepper

P.S. some people also add bit of dijon mustard for consistency purposes.

Remove 2 tablespoons (25 mL) of the butter and keep cold in refrigerator. In small saucepan, melt remaining butter; keep warm.
In heavy-bottomed saucepan or in stainless steel bowl, whisk egg yolks until thickened and pale. Whisk in water and lemon juice. Add 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of the cold butter.
Set saucepan over low heat or place bowl over saucepan of1 1/2- inches (4 cm) barely simmering water; whisk until bottom of pan can be seen between whisks and wires of whisk become lightly coated, 1 to 2 minutes.
Remove from heat, immediately whisk in remaining cold butter to stop the cooking of the yolks.
By driblets, whisk in enough of the melted butter to thicken to consistency of whipping cream. Increasing amount of butter slightly, whisk in remaining butter.
Season with salt and pepper.

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